Tuesday, October 16, 2007

JK Rowling launches US book tour

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has launched a US book tour - her first in seven years - with a mass signing event in Los Angeles.
Link to the article.


HC said...

I often admire the talents of others. For authors, it would be their writing skills, creative ideas, etc.

I have dreamt of writing a beautiful passage, not to mention, to write a book.

I guess everyone has their own talent and short comings.

JK Rowling is indeed good at writing but story reading isn't her thing. (If you've ever heard of it.)

William Fu said...


I have to be honest to tell you that I'm not creative at all. I can tell you that a great writer "borrows" a lot from other famous works. All you need to do is to read widely. You will be inspired in the process. BTW, have you read books like Narnia? I think books like this one are quite inspirational.

HC said...

Narnia is one of my favourite book series. With a well developed atmosphere, a great storyline and cute animal characters. I have reviewed it over and over again.

But as I read Harry Potter, similarities could easily be found between them. Including some concepts and morals behind it.

Some people see this as copying, a cheat. However, authors have been doing the same for a long time. The intelligence of human kind are continously improved as we develop new things.

It cannot concluded whether copying others' ideas is right or wrong, but the author should always retain her own style and creavity.

HC said...
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William Fu said...


Just like the series of Harry Potter stories. They open up the opportunity for children (and adults) to read more about the classical stories. We can say that it is not bad.
