Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Russian schools move to Linux

School children in Russia are to be taught using the free, open-source Linux software in an effort to cut the cost of teaching information technology.


Do you think that we should all use commercial software like Microsoft's for teaching and learning purposes? Students who have learnt using a particular operating system are not likely to use another system in the future. In other words, students who are used to Microsoft's software are quite likely to use it for a long time to come. Should we change this practice?


HC said...

For convenience and unity, it would be better for all of us to adopt the same practice. If Emperor Qin didn't united the use of Chinese Lanuage, unit of measurement and currency. China would not be that well developed as today. Instead, we would be like Europe, in pieces.

Being a minority is difficult to survive. Computers of a different version are not always supported everywhere. Therefore causing much inconvenience.

Though it seems unfair and troublesome to change our old habits and follow the majority. A temporary and small sacrifice could bring a long term benefit.

William Fu said...

Your comparison shows that you have a good understanding of the issue. Computers are popular because the operating systems are rather universal. People don't have to learn again when they buy a new system. Still, to those developing countries, asking them to pay HK$1,000 for a copy of the operating system is far too much for them.