Sunday, November 11, 2007

New focus

Dear 6AB1 fellow students,

I would like to introduce more world news to you. Starting from today, selected political and social news from all over the world will be posted on this site. You may find it difficult to comprehend the news as you may not even be interested in knowing these happenings at all. As you are all in F.6 now, I think it is the right time to broaden your horizons. I hope you all can try your best.

The first round of presentations is about to be finished. For the new round, I want you all to choose a piece of news from my website and present it to the whole class. Here are some additional requirements.

1. DO NOT simply give a summary of the news story. (You will be asked to present again in the following lesson.)
2. You need to show us that you understand the issue involved by telling your classmates your opinion.
3. Be prepared to answer my additional questions.
4. Your presentation should last more than 2 minutes.

I know it would give you some pressure. However, I do believe in one thing. Pressure motivates you to do better.


Mr. Fu


DanielChan said...

Pressure motivates you to do better.That's right.
I will try to do better.

William Fu said...

Thanks a lot, Daniel.