Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To be or not to be?

Dear 6AB1 students,

As I told you all in today's lesson, I've been unhappy with the fact that no one are bothered to visit this blog anymore. For now, I want to collect information about our way ahead. Should I continue or not? If you think I should, please give me suggestions on the type of materials I should post.

There is one important thing I want to state now. If there's no reply to this, I will simply stop updating in 3 days' time.

Mr. Fu


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sir.I dont know what else should i say but i think you should continue post some articles on this blog.I come here always and i cant see there's any problems.

Dont give up on us ar

Anonymous said...

MR FU,You have already done a good job!!DON't close the site.Just do what you have done.Keep on posting different types of articles.

Anonymous said...

Cheer up~=]

Anonymous said...

Mr fu,
i think that is great for u doing this.i promise u that i will visit more la~!!!!>3<

Anonymous said...

Although I seldom leave comments here, i surf to this site once per few days~
to be frank, I dun think there is any problem on the article u posted here"
dun be depressed! Cheer up and i know all of us will support u :) really*

Anonymous said...

U should let us to share some 'good stuff' on the blog.
Of coz, it must be something English..I think it can help to keep our eyes on this blog!

To be or not to be, that's the question...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i know some of us unusual visit this site. But i want to say,sir u get a gd job@@"..Does not need to give up.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Fu,

In these past several years, some of my teachers have made similar attempts of yours and have gained positive results for both sides.

This is indeed a very effective way of improving our English. If you abandon us, who else is there to save your lost sheep?

I am not talented and therefore do not have much to give. However, in the future, if this site continues, I am more than happy to contribute.

William Fu said...

Thanks a lot for your support! I'm thinking of a way to ask some of you to support the blog. It's like getting some moderators to help maintaining the blog. Anyway, if you're interested, you can come and talk to me and we can come up with a way of doing so.