Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Michael, Maria, Linda

Common nouns:
community, domestic, director, welfare, housewife, hazard, consumer, bureau, environment, council, labelling, contamination, festival, border, checkpoint, symptom, stomach-ache, poverty, inflation, merchant, code, complaint, trap, science, technology, government, beef, meal, alternative, flavour, seasoning, quality, quantity, stall, distinction, flu, vegetable, assistance, bacteria, virus

genetically-modified, frozen, steamed, shrinking, legal, Indian, fatal

Alert, commission,


Anonymous said...

hello,Fu sir,i'm sasa.i often visit your blog and feel that the articles posted on your blog are really helpful to students.so i'll keep on studying under your direction even though i finished my examinations.
at last,i'm grateful to you for the kindness and patience you devoted to AA1.thanks a lot!!@.@

William Fu said...

Thanks a lot for your encouragement. But would you mind telling me who you are?

Anonymous said...

She did tell you... William...

Look at the first sentence and you'll find out.

William Fu said...

oh! My mistake. I should have read carefully.