Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Earthquake Lights" recorded 30 mins before Sichuan quake began, a phenomenon never recorded before this

View the 2 videos regarding a phenomenon, known as “Earthquake lights”. Which have been known to happen at times of earthquakes & recorded through out history, but never recorded (visually) until the earthquake in Sichuan last week. Bizarre colorful (luminous/glowing) cloud phenomenon in the sky was observed about 30 mins before the May 12, 2008 Sichuan earthquake took place. This was recorded in Tianshui, Gansu province ~450kmnortheast of epicenter, by someone using a cell phone.

These clouds seemed to be glowing or somewhat luminous and seemed to resemble some characteristics of the Auroras. They were probably formed by some kind of charged particles released from the powerful seismic events below. Well, I am no expert anyways. See if any scientists are willing to give a full explanation.

Link to the second video.

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