Saturday, May 24, 2008

Writing assignment

Topic 1

Hong Kong roads are always congested. As journeys take longer, road users including both drivers and passengers have become more frustrated. The health threat posed by traffic pollution also continues to rise.

Write a letter to the Editor sharing your views about the effect of traffic congestion on the community. Suggest ways in which the situation can be eased.

Topic 2

According to a recent survey, the happiness index of Hong Kong people was only 67.2, the lowest since 2004. Hong Kong’s economy has recovered this year, why has the happiness index fallen rather than risen?
Write a letter to the Editor of the local newspaper discussing this phenomenon. You should give examples to illustrate why Hongkongers are unhappy and suggest at least three ways that can make Hong Kong people feel happier with their lives. Do not write any address. Sign your letter ‘Chris Wong’.


Anonymous said...

i like the second topic and i 'd like write about it. but i am also worried about the lack of my ability of expression in English. however,i'll try~from sasa^-^
by the way, thanks for posting the writing topics on your blog!
ps:i printed out the "A-plus" articles so that i can read them word by word but not only browse through.they are useful ar~

Anonymous said...

I am sorry I missed what you said this morning, I was focusing on reading my book. So, are we all have to do it? If we are, when are we going to hand it in?

William Fu said...

Leo, it has to be handed in by Thursday

William Fu said...

Sasa, you can send your writing to me. I'm really glad that you've been keeping on reading my blog. BTW, you can add my msn, and my msn is ""